Friday 27 September 2019


We live in a society where almost everyone believes that following the norm is the right way to do things , that mentality should be trashed!
We wake up to messed up roads , gutters ... environment , why? Is it becaue we are ignorant or rathe, because we choose to be ignorant of what a dirty environment does to us.
We are too used to being dirty and disorderly and yet , we envy the ‘’AMERICANS’’ calling their cities ‘’BEAUTIFUL’. Now let me ask , would you call it beautiful if you saw litters of everything on the roads and in the gutters ? The air there is said to be ‘’FRESH’’ , now tell me , would it be so if they poured out the dirty water used to either wash the dishes etc unto the roads?
You think it’s magic? NO! They worked towards it , so you see , we are the cause of our problems.
It won’t take us anything to properly dispose our wastes. I thought doing the right thing should give us a certain level of satisfaction and joy ... and someone would tell me that keeping the environment clean is the work of the government , must we expect everything to be done for us? Even the little we can do ourselves?  We need to wake up!
The gutters are not trash cans , the roads were not  constructed to be littered! And i see people disposing things into the rivers claiming ‘’ the river flows , it will carry it away’’ , excuse me , where is it carryng it to?
It’s a chain , it comes back to us!
Let me leave the adverse effect it has on our health for another day.
 We need to wake up i say!
 Let’s stop wishing and start doing!
The change we wish for isn’t farfetched all it takes is a change in our menality and a will to achieve something.

       Written By:
                           Jennifer Odumegwu.

Thursday 26 September 2019


The types of wastes are not exhaustive but there are five common types we must know viz:

1. Liquid Waste
This type of waste can be found in industries as well as households.  This waste include wash water, dirty water, organic liquids, rain water and waste detergent.

2. Solid Waste 
This includes a variety of items such as tin/metal waste, ceramic and glass waste, paper/card waste and plastic waste.

3. Organic Waste
This is majorly a household waste viz food waste and  garden waste. Microorganisms turn these wastes jnto manure. However, they must be disposed properly. Food wastes should be separated from the general waste during disposal.

4. Hazardous Waste
These are wastes that are toxic, flammable, corossive and reactive. These wastes are harmful to humans and the environment.

5. Recyclable Waste
These are waste that can be converted  into usable products again . These can be solid items, organic wastes among others.
These wastes outlined must be managed properly in order to have a safe environment .

How can we properly manage these wastes?
1. By proper disposal.
2. Metallic and paper items can be sold to recyclers.
3. Glasses can also be sold to recyclers.
4. Creating a good drainage system for liquid wastes.

You Can Start Today!


Dele gets on the next bus going to Isolo from Oshodi.

 While he is in the bus, he gets hungry. He pops his head out of the window of the moving 'danfo' and beckons on the nearest 'Gala' and drinks seller to come. The gallant hawker chased the moving bus with so much speed and was eventually able to sell her wares to the raveneously hungry Dele.

 Now, fast forward to when Dele is done eating. He takes the two Gala wrappers and the plastic container which formerly contained 33litres of Coke, looks front and back and Whoooom! He throws it craftly and quite swiftly out of the moving vehicle onto the road. Dele littered!

Many a times, most of us act exactly like Dele. Being so swift in littering the environment with refuse and filth rather than seek appropriate means of disposal or rather keep them properly until when we find a proper disposal medium.

When we litter our roads, streets and environment with papers, nylons, snack packs and other littering agents, we think to ourselves that it may be too small a litter to cause any hazards or environmental issues.

The truth is that while these litters of ours may to us be little, they accumulate overtime to became agents of environmental hazards as most times they end up being blown into drainage channels subsequently causing blockages when they accumulate or they could end up getting into water supplies thereby polluting the water source.

It is important that we imbibe proper environmental practices such as learning how to properly dispose of our waste especially when we take snacks on the road or the streets or even in vehicles.

 Learn to trash your waste properly!


Safe Environment Awareness

Many a time we blame the government for the bad condition of our environment, however, some of us do not play our individual roles in keeping our environs clean.

Some of us eat inside vehicles and throw the trash out of the window without minding that we litter the roads and streets.

Many people dispose their trash on the streets carelessly.

Let's join hands to keep our environments clean and safe!